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Having Goals

When I started this Blog I had major goals. I wanted to write at least once a week, upload recipes, show clothes hauls and talk about products in order to get myself out there in the mom community. I wanted to have a place where I could write honestly about my life and have others connect with my experiences and posts. But like we all know, life gets in the way.

As a mom it is hard to sit down and take time to write about your experiences. I personally feel that I am so busy spending all my free time trying to document Soren's life. I journal, I take photos constantly and I try to post what I can on social media. My blog has been on the back burner, but it's time to turn it up a notch. Since I've started the blog shortly after Soren was born I've had four posts. And yes they are very important posts to me, but I need to step it up! I am going to make a concerted effort to post one time a week, and if I can or feel like it, more than that!

Onto today's post!

There are several things I want to write about today, the first being that Soren is 8-months old today! He is not technically 8-months old yet, because he was born at 4:38 in the afternoon, but the day is here. As a mom, time is the worst. Every day you feel so saddened by how much your little one has grown, yet so excited at what they're doing and to see what they learn next. I'm trying to be more grateful for his growth, trying to reminisce less and trying to tell myself that he is still so small and young and I need to soak it up while I can! Soon he will be running around naked, covered in dirt and lord knows what else!

8-months is a big one for me. I can't stop thinking "Only 4 months until he is one year!" which is horrifying. He is doing so many things, crawling, getting ready to talk, waving, kissing, figuring out how his toys work. He has recently figured out how his wind up car works, he just wasn't mastered pulling it back enough yet. 7-months was hard, Soren went through a minimal sleep phase and it sucked. He was waking up every 1-2 hours and would only nurse to go to sleep. I was not only exhausted from the lack of sleep, but my body was working hard to produce so much milk. I'm sure it was because he was getting so close to crawling, now that he is crawling he is nearly sleeping through the night. I woke up in the middle of the night a couple evenings ago and he was sleeping so hard I thought he was dead. I shook him and yelled his name and it still took him a couple moments to wake up. I was so used to him waking so much it scared me. I guess I should be happy that I have a good sleeper now.

Soren still has a gummy smile! No teeth yet. When teeth appear is usually hereditary and I didn't get any teeth until I was a year old, so I'm waiting until then to be concerned. He can still chew very well. In fact, he has been getting into the dog food (face palm) and they are choking sized, but he has yet to choke. As far as I can tell, he moves items that are to big to swallow around in his cheeks and uses his gums to mash them up once they are soft enough.

My 8-month mama goals are to play with him more, read to him more, kiss him more and soak in every moment. My baby won't be a baby much longer! I better appreciate the fact that he doesn't want to push me away or play alone in his room. He has recently started snuggling more, especially when he is tired. He'll lay his head down on my chest, or shoulder and I can't help but squeeze him so tight! I love snuggles! Especially since he has only mostly tolerated cuddles thus far, it's so nice that he is wanting them.

He is eating SO MUCH FOOD! He loves food, and when I say love, I mean screams when you put it away. It doesn't matter if he just spit up from eating too much, he wants more. We are starting to be less strict with what we give him. Before it was a new fruit or veggie every 4 days, now it is usually a new food whenever we feel like it. We're staying away from dairy, obviously, and most other proteins (besides dog food!) and he seems to be tolerating it really well. He has never shown any signs of any food allergies or sensitivities, thankfully!

The little boy in question just woke up from nap and has now crawled into the kitchen and figured out how to open the kitchen cabinet door on his own. I put food storage lids in the bottom drawer, along with a few of his cups that he doesn't drink out of yet and he loves to pull everything out and play with it. I can hear Indy crying, because he wants Soren to come play at the dog door with him. Those two are in love. Serious heart eyes for each other. Every morning whenever Soren wakes up, no matter if he makes a sound or not, Indy somehow knows and jumps into the bed to say good morning. And every single time Soren just cracks up. He loves that dog so much, I don't know what we would do if anything happened to him!

Some of my other goals are really for this Blog and my life in general. I want to use this blog to keep myself accountable. Recently I've gotten into baking bread. I want to do that more so I want to post some recipes and photos from my baking experiences. I also want to not just have mom-stuff here. I have a growing garden and a laying hen (soon more than one) so I would like to keep myself up-to date on those goings-on, at least during harvests and exciting days. We try to do a lot on our own to be sustainable and keep all our budgets low. I would love to connect with others who do the same and learn from one another.

Okay I better go make sure that this kid isn't eating his weight in dog food, or dirt, or whatever he's found on the ground!

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